Love is the Way

Credit: Frank A. Mills
I confess,
It is hard not writing a post against a political move that I feel is wrong, even counter-the Way of Jesus. It is hard too, not to write a post that counters a Christianity that I feel has become less than Christian.
But to what end do I write these posts? It is merely to get something off my chest, to make me feel better? My posts rarely, if at all, change anyone's thinking. We've made up our minds and that's it. Nothing we hear makes any difference. So, if I am hoping to persuade, I waste my time.
The old Christian Universalist Church had as her motto, "Love is the Way." So, perhaps that's what my posts should be doing--Promoting Love to a fragmented world. Postings that seek to heal not further divide. Posts that seek to build community, not fragment social structure.
I shall try. That's the best I can promise.
Frank A. Mills
Sheffield Lake, OH
January 10, 2025