Spiritual Beings
Having a Human Experience

Teilhard deChardin
Although the post is from a Quaker perspective it applies just as well to us who are Liberal Christian Universalist. Being such is not about the after-life, it is about in the holy present. It is about a new and powerful religious experience, a tool with which to live out a re-imagined Christianity. This is what we need to be promoting in this group.
The early Quakers combined those three seemingly incompatible religious emphases in a new and powerful religious experience. By taking very seriously what they saw as the most essential doctrine of Christianity—that Christ lived—they turned Christianity on its head. Seeking the spiritual life of Christ within their own hearts, they found that human beings can, by awakening to and accepting the love within them, be reborn into the living Christ here and now. They discovered that the inspiring stories in the Bible are not primarily narratives of events that happened long ago, but are pointers to present possibilities. The Son of God walked the earth in biblical times, but Sons and Daughters of God also walk the earth today in the persons of those human beings who live in the spirit of love. Our history, therefore, is as much “salvation history” as that related in scriptures. This day is as holy as any day described in the Bible.
"Reforming Christianity" by George Amoss, Jr. (Quaker Universalist) PDF
Frank A. Mills
Sheffield Lake, OH
January 11. 2024