Is the Spirit Still Speaking

Randy Elstrott
If the Spirit is still speaking. how? (Guest Essay).
The Marriage of Two Fundamentalisms

Russell Pregeant
The marriage of Christian fundamentalism and market fundamentalism (Guest Essay).
The Side Pocket on the Side Street

Russell Pregeant
An Unorthodox Christ Figure in “The Hustler”
Christ and “The Powers”

Russell Pregeant
Christ and “The Powers” in Cool Hand Luke
The Dark at the Top of the Stairs

Russell Pregeant
Redemption from Fear
Church at the Community Table

Starlett Thomas
Went to First Watch for one of my favorite brunch meals and ended up...
Death Came More Quickly than Expected

Larry W Spielman
Death came more quickly than all expected. Unfamiliar eyes turn to me, a stranger...
Precisely the Properties We Should Expect If…

Thomas Jay Oord
Does science expect us to give up God?
Somewhere Among the Shelves

Dan McDonald
"On a side street, not always on the same side street, is a little store front...."
Straw Man Jesus

Billie Hoard
I also need to stipulate that the straw-man-ness of the Christianity promulgated by these fundamentalists and conservative white American Evangelicals does not
I Went Looking For God

Lisa Esterling
Lisa went looking for God in church. Written in response to my "I went looking for God."